Tuesday 19 July 2011


This was probably the most frustrating objective to complete... and I'm not all that sure it's complete. The program now allows the user to chose 1, 2, 4 or 8 threads to render the image. This speeds up the rendering time dramatically, but only if your computer has at least a number of cores matching the number of threads selected.
Below is a graph showing the time it takes to render a simple 256x256 image with 5x5 grid sampling:

This was tested on a 4-core machine, so there are no results for 8 threads. It's pretty obvious that more threads is awesome.
A fun byproduct of mutli-threading is that you can see different sections of the image partly drawn when you cancel a render. Here's an example of an image partially drawn with 4 threads:

A not-so-fun byproduct of multi-threading the unreliability. It's difficult to make a thread-safe program. My ray tracer has some undiscovered threading issues, so it will occasionally seg-fault. Ah well. I did my best.

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